The story of Elbert Hubbard, the founder of Roycroft, one of the most successful artistic enterprises of the Arts and Crafts era. The Roycroft community produced some of the finest hand-crafted furniture, books, lamps and metal work and were reflective of the Movement’s ideals of art and craftsmanship as instruments of social reform in its organization as well as in its products.
Written in 1926 by Felix Shay, this is probably the best known biography of Hubbard. Full of anecdotes and, according to one online source, many of the cartoons and decorations were by W.W. Denslow, illustrator of the true first edition of L. Frank Baums’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
Condition is very good – see photos. There is a separation of one of the front endpapers from the body, but it is secure. And note that the colophon page (“So here endeth…”) is uncut at the bottom.
Hardcover, 553 pages